Invasive Plants of Belarus

Newsletter # 30 (583) July 15, 2014
On July 25, 2014 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue 2 stamps of the series “Invasive plants of Belarus”.
Designer: Alexander Mityanin. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: comb 141/4: 14. Size of the stamps: 28x40 mm. Sheets composition: 5 stamps & 1 coupon. Size of the sheets: 110x110 mm. While printing the stamps they used the technology of relief stamping and selective varnishing. Print quantity: 50.000 stamps each.
The stamps were printed at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Belarusian Printing House Publishing Co.”.
Letter “A” is equal to the tariff of a letter up to 20 gram within Belarus.
Letter “N” is equal to the surface tariff of a postcard abroad.
No. 1026
Canadian goldenrod
(Solidago сanadensis)
Elements of protection
No. 1027
Sosnowskyi’s hogweed
(Heraсleum sosnowskyi)
Elements of protection
Invasive plants are flora objects that are outside their natural range. Their distribution and abundance pose a threat to the life or health of citizens and to the conservation of biological diversity. They can also damage some sectors of the economy. The most prominent representatives of the invasive plant species, widely distributed in the territory of Belarus, are Canadian goldenrod and Sosnowskyi’s hogweed.
Canadian goldenrod is an allergenic plant. Spreading in meadow and riparian ecosystems it violates the structure of crops and leads to oppression and even complete displacement of native plants.
Sosnowskyi’s hogweed is a flowering plant up to 3 meters in height. It is dangerous for humans because its juice causes burns. In Belarus the plant grows on field edges and roadsides. There it almost completely displaces native vegetation.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by A.Mityanin.
A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamps issuing day.

« # 26 (579) 06.06.2014 | Postage stamps of 2014 | »


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