Theatres of Belarus. Grodno Regional Drama Theatre

Newsletter # 24 (577) May 23, 2014
On June 5, 2014 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue the stamp “Grodno Regional Drama Theatre. “Our small town" of the series “Theatres of Belarus”.
A series continuation. Beginning Nos. 958, 968. Designer: Anna Malash. Printing: offset. Colour: full colour. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: comb 131/2. Size of the stamp: 52x29,6 mm. Sheet composition: 6 (2x3) stamps. Size of the sheet: 172x118 mm. Print quantity: 72.000 stamps.
The stamp was printed at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Bobruisk Integrated Printing House named after A. T. Nepogodin”.
No. 1024
Grodno Regional Drama Theatre. “Our small town”
Elements of protection
There is the emblem of the Grodno Regional Drama Theatre on the stamps.
Letter “N” is equal to the surface tariff of a postcard abroad.
The Grodno Regional Drama Theatre was opened on October 20, 1947 with the performance "Truth is good but happiness is better" by Alexander Ostrovsky. The first stage director was the Honored Artist of BSSR Nikolai Kovyazin.
In 2011 the staff of the theatre was awarded the title “Honored Ensemble of the Republic of Belarus” for high achievements in the field of theatre arts and significant contribution to the development of national culture.
The stamp project was prepared in cooperation with the Grodno Regional Drama Theatre.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by A.Malash.
A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out on the stamp issuing day at the post office No.25 of Grodno.

« # 23 (576) 21.04.2014 | Postage stamps of 2014 | # 26 (579) 05.06.2014 »

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