Vacations in the countryside

Newsletter # 12 (511) March 29, 2013
On April 10, 2013 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue the souvenir sheet “Vacations in the countryside”.
Designer: Yekaterina Priemko. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: frame 131/2. Size of the stamp in the souvenir sheet: 52x37 mm. Size of the souvenir sheet: 89x67 mm. Print quantity: 15.000 souvenir sheets.
The souvenir sheet was printed at the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Bobruisk Integrated Printing House named after A. T.  Nepogodin”.
The design was prepared in collaboration with the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
The souvenir sheet pictures the painting by the Russian painter Yuliy Klever (1850-1924) “Belarusian landscape. Drecheluki country estate” (oil on canvas, 1901).
Souvenir sheet No. 91
No. 951
Vacations in the countryside
15000 BYR
Elements of protection
The envelope contains the picture of the modern Belarusian painter Vladimir Maslennikov (1956) “A festive day” (oil on canvas, 2008).
FDC designed by Yekaterina Priemko.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark designed by Yauheniya Biadonik.

« # 09 (508) 05.03.2013 | Postage stamps of 2013 | # 14 (513) 16.04.2013  »

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