Mir Castle

Newsletter # 45 (412) December 3, 2010
On December 16, 2010 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue a souvenir sheet “Mir Castle”.
Designer: Ivan Lukin. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: frame 131/2. There is 1 stamp in the souvenir sheet. Size of the stamp: 52x37 mm. Size of the souvenir sheet: 120x82 mm. While printing the souvenir sheet they used the technology of MetalFX, thermal stamping by metalized silver foil, relief stamping. Print quantity: 15.000 souvenir sheets.
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
Historical reference: The Mir Castle is the unique monument of Belarusian architecture of the 16th — 20th centuries. Its construction was initiated by the Belarusian magnate Yuri Ilinich in 1520-ies near the village Mir (Grodno region). Being one of the best examples of the Belarusian fortress building engineering of the 16th century the Mir Castle was for many centuries used as a residence for Belarusian magnates. Since 1569 till 1828 the Mir Castle was owned by the dukes Radziwill. Then the castle passed into the hands of the dukes Wittgenstein and their heirs. The Sviatapolk-Mirski family was the last owner of the Mir Castle (1891-1939). Then it became state property. Since 1987 the Mir Castle is a branch of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. In 2000 the Mir Castle was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Souvenir sheet No. 79
No. 861
Mir Castle
5000 BYR
A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the post office of Mir town (Grodno region) on the souvenir sheet issuing day.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by I. Lukin.

« # 42 (409) 11.11.2010 | Postage stamps of 2010# 46 (413) 12.27.2010»

A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.

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