Letter (EUROPA)

Newsletter # 09 (295) May 13, 2008
On May 28, 2008 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue 2 stamps «Letter» bearing the EUROPA logo prepared by the Publishing Centre «Marka» of the EUR «Belpochta».
Designer: Ilia Piatrovski. Printing: offset. Colour: full colour (4 colours). Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: comb 13½: 13¾. Size of the stamps: 37x26 mm. Sheet composition: 9 (3x3) stamps. Print quantity: 65.700 each.
There are elements of protection on the stamps.
No. 722
Birch bark letter
1000 BYR
No. 723
E-mail letter
1000 BYR
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC
designed by I. Piatrovski.
A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.
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