Orchids of Belarus (Endangered species of Belarus)

Newsletter # 21 (248) September 5, 2006
On September 16, 2006 Belarus Post will issue a series of postage stamps “Orchids of Belarus”.
Designers: Tatsiana Dolskaya & Aleh Haiko. Printing: offset. Colour: full colour. Paper: chalk surfaced. Perforation: comb 13½: 13¾. Size of the stamps: 37x26 mm. Sheet composition: No. 662, — 16 (4x4) stamps; Nos. 663, 663 A printed in a sheet of 8 (4x2) stamps each. Stamps No. 663 A have mirror inversion of No. 663. Print quantity: No. 662 — 80.000, Nos. 663, 663 A — 40.000 each.
There are elements of protection on the stamps.
No. 662
Western Marsh-orchid
1000 BYR
No. 663
Red Helleborine
1000 BYR
No. 663 A
Red Helleborine
1000 BYR
Stamps No. 662 and No. 663 are also issued in sheetlets of 8 stamps (4 series). Size of the sheetlet: 174x76 mm. Print quantity: 10.000.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC
designed by T. Dolskaya & A. Haiko.
Special cancellation: a special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamps and souvenir sheet issuing day.

« № 20 (247) 04.09.2006 | Postage stamps of 2006 | № 22 (249) 05.10.2006 »

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