International Year of Fresh Water

Newsletter # 06 (120) February 24, 2003
On March 25, 2003 Belarus Post will issue the stamp "International Year of Fresh Water".
Designer: Shamil Khairulin. Colour: full colour. Paper: chalk surfaced. Printing: offset. Perforation: comb 14,5: 14,5. Size: 28x40 mm. Sheet composition: 18 (6x3) stamps in the sheet. Print quantity: 90 000 copies.There are elements of protection on the stamp.
No. 500
500 BYR
On the plenary session of the United Nations Organisation the year 2003 was announced as the Year of Fresh Water.
Its aim is to promote the Millennium Declaration: to cut by half the number of people who do not have access to fresh water and to stop the thoughtless use of water resources.
The UN Resolution declares the necessity for all the UNO departments and organisations acting in this sphere to inform the society about the importance of fresh water.
Colour of the postmark — blue.
Special postmark and FDC designed by Shamil Khairulin.
Special cancellation: a special cancellation on FDCs will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.

« # 05 (119) 13.02.2003 | Postage stamps of 2003 | # 07 (121) 10.03.2003 »

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