100th Birth Anniversary of Andrey Makayonak

Newsletter # 4 (844), January 30, 2020
On February 6, 2020 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue the postage stamp “100th birth anniversary of Andrey Makayonak”.
Artist: Tatyana Dolskaya. Design: Yelena Medved. Print process: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforations: comb 13: 131/2. Stamp size: 52x29,6 mm. Sheet composition: 5 stamps & 1 coupon. Sheet size: 127x112 mm. Print quantity: 35.000 stamps.

Printer: Republican Unitary Enterprise “Bobruisk Integrated Printing House named after A. T.  Nepogodin”.
Face value N is equal to the surface tariff of a postcard abroad.
No. 1338
100th birth anniversary of Andrey Makayonak
Elements of protection

Andrey Makayonak (born 12.11.1920 in the village of Borkhov, Rogachov district, Gomel region — died 16.11.1982) — a Belarusian Soviet playwright and a screenwriter, People's writer of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (1977).

He first appeared in print in 1946 with the one-act play “Well that ends well”. He worked in the magazine "Vozhyk" where he wrote humoresques, feuilletons and satirical stories.

His plays were staged by theaters of different countries. Many films have been shot based on his plays.

He was elected as deputy of the Supreme Council of the BSSR (1971-1982), a member of committees and socio-political organizations. As part of the delegations, he repeatedly traveled abroad and also participated in the work of the 20th session of the UN General Assembly.

The project was prepared in cooperation with the State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature.

Colour of the postmark — black.

Artist of FDC: T.Dolskaya.
Special postmark and FDC designed by Ye.Medved.

A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the post office No.1 of Minsk (shop “Philately”, 16 Moskovskaya street) on the stamp issuing day.

«# 3 (854)07.01.2020 |Postage stamps of 2020|#7 (858)25.02.2020 »

The images do not reproduce the exact specifications of the project.

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