Locomotives and Railway Stations

Newsletter # 25 (392) August 3, 2010
On August 9, 2010 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue 2 stamps from the series “Locomotives and railway stations”.
A series continuation. Beginning nos. 565, 566, 660, 661. Designer: Aleksey Nikolaevskiy. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: comb 14: 141/4. Size of the stamps: 40x28 mm. Sheet composition: 11 stamps & 1 coupon. Size of the sheets: 140x115 mm. Print quantity: 66.000 stamps each.
There are elements of protection on the stamps.
Historical reference: A passenger locomotive S class was designed at the beginning of the 20-th century at the Sormovskiy plant in Nizhniy Novgorod under the supervision of the engineer B. S.  Malakhovskiy. Designation “S” means “Sormovskiy plant”. In all they manufactured 678 locomotives S class. They were in service in the Russian empire and then in the USSR till the middle of 1960-ies.
A goods locomotive Sch class was manufactured at the beginning of the 20-th century. 1910 locomotives of this class were manufactured. In 1912 they got the designation of “Sch” class according to the name of their main designer professor N. L.  Schukin. Locomotives Sch class were in use on intensely as well as rarely operated lines till the beginning of 1950-ies.
No. 839
The railway station “Vilenski” in Minsk, beginning of XX century.
Locomotive S class
1000 BYR
No. 840
The railway station in Mogilyov, beginning of XX century.
Locomotive Sch class
1000 BYR
A sheetlet is also issued. Sheetlet composition: 10 (5 sets) stamps & 2 coupons. Size of the sheetlet: 140x115 mm. Print quantity: 6.000 sheetlets.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by A. Nikolaevskiy.
Special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by A. Nikolaevskiy.
Special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the post office No.30 of Mogilyov on the stamp issuing day.

« # 21 (388) 22.07.2010 | Postage stamps of 2010# 26 (393) 03.08.2010 »

A special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.

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