350th anniversary of the icon of Holy Virgin of Borkolabovo

Newsletter # 22 (348) July 07, 2009
On July 24, 2009 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue a stamp “350th anniversary of the icon of Holy Virgin of Borkolabovo”.
Designer: Alexander Blintsov. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced, gummed. Perforation: comb 141/4: 14. Size of the stamp: 28x40 mm. Sheet composition: 6 (3x2) stamps. Size of the sheet: 128x124,5 mm. Print quantity: 42.000 stamps.
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
Historical reference. The icon of Holy Virgin of Borkolabovo was made in the 16th or 17th century. Borkolabovski Nunnery received the wonder-working Holy Virgin icon from Russian Prince Pozharski who stayed here on his way from Lithuania to Russia in 1659. The icon is known for many divine miracles, most of which date back to the Great Northern War and the Patriotic War of 1812. The icon survived several wars, a fire in 1882 and the pressures of atheist ideology in the early 20th century.
Now the icon is kept in the wooden Holy Trinity Church in the town of Bykhov.
The commemoration of the icon was set on the 24th of July.
No. 793
350th anniversary of the icon of Holy Virgin of Borkolabovo.
1380 BYR
A special memorable cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp issuing day.

Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by A. Blintsov.

« № 21 (347) 07.07.2009 | Postage stamps of 2009№ 23 (349) 06.09.2009 »

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