Konstantin Ostrozhsky

Newsletter # 04 (290) February 12, 2008
On February 17, 2008 the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus will issue the souvenir sheet “Konstantin Ostrozhsky” prepared by the Publishing Centre “Marka” of the EUR “Belpochta”.
Designer: Oksana Suzko & Ivan Lukin. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalk-surfaced. Perforation: comb 14¼. Size of the stamp in the souvenir sheet: 28х40 mm. Size of the souvenir sheet: 90x75 mm. Print quantity: 12.000.
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
Souvenir sheet No. 61 Блок № 61 «Константин Острожский»
No. 719
Konstantin Ostrozhsky.
2500 BYR
Historical reference. Prince Konstantin Vasily Ostrozhsky (1526 — 1608) was born in Turov town on the territory of present Belarus. He was a descendant of Turov & Pinsk princes. Konstantin Ostrozhsky was the headman of Vladimir town, the govemor of Kiev town. He was also a famous statesman.
Konstantin Ostrozhsky founded the Academy named after his name (1576) that was the only school for orthodox inhabitants of Belarusian and Ukrainian territories. The Academy had the middle and high stages and was notable for high standard of education.
Konstantin Ostrozhsky was the founder of the Printing-house where the famous printer Ivan Fiodorov worked and where they printed educational, elucidative, theological and polemical literature. He organized the publication of the full code of biblical books in Slavic (1581).
Konstantin Ostrozhsky patronized the Orthodox Church, protected the rights of orthodox inhabitants of the Gread Principality of Lithuania and Rzech Pospolita. He was the guardian of 600 temples and 200 cloisters near which he opened churches and hospitals.
Художественный конверт с оригинальной маркой
A special cancellation: a special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the souvenir sheet issuing day.

Штемпель спецгашения

Colour of the postmark — black.

Special postmark and FDC
designed by O. Suzko.


« No. 03 (289) 22.01.2008 | Postage stamps of 2008 | No. 05 (291) 25.02.2008 »

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