Struve Geodetic Arc

Newsletter # 18 (275) September 18, 2007
On September 20, 2007 Belarus Post will issue the souvenir sheet dedicated to the Struve Geodetic Arc.
Designer: Oksana Novosyolova. Printing: offset. Colour: multicoloured. Paper: chalksurfaced. Perforation: comb 14¼: 14. Size of the stamp: 28x40 mm. Size of the souvenir sheet: 112x80 mm. Print quantity: 15.000.
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
Historical reference. The Struve Arc, or measurement of the meridian arc, is a UNESCO World Heritage object. It consisted of 258 separate points for a distance of 2880 km where in 1816 1855 largescale measurements were carried out which helped to determine the exact size and shape of the Earth. There were 31 of such points in the territory of modern Belarus (the 5 of them were listed in the UNESCO World Heritage objects). In the history of UNESCO it is the first scientific and technical transfrontier object which runs through ten states from the North to the South: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the Ukraine and Moldova. In Belarus it is the fourth object after the worldwide known ones like the National Park of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Mir and Nesvizh Castles.
Souvenir sheet No. 56
Блок № 56
No. 686
Struve Geodetic Arc.
5000 BYR

Штемпель спецгашения

Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmark and FDC designed by O. Novosyolova.
Special cancellation: a special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the souvenir sheet issuing day.

« № 11 (268) 12.06.2007 | Postage stamps of 2007 | № 19 (276) 29.09.2007 »

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