Avgustovo Canal

Newsletter # 17 (244) August 7, 2006
On August 11, 2006 Belarus Post will issue a souvenir sheet “Avgustovo Canal”.
Designer: Maria Plakhotnyuk. Printing: offset. Colour: full colour (5 colours). Paper: chalk surfaced. Perforation: comb 14: 14¼. Size of the stamp: 28x40 mm. Size of the souvenir sheet: 103x74 mm. Print quantity: 15.000.
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
Souvenir sheet No. 53
No. 659
Avgustovo Canal
2000 BYR
Colour of the postmark — black.
Special postmarks and FDC
designed by M. Plakhotnyuk.
Special cancellation: a special cancellation on FDC will be carried out at the Main Post Office of Minsk on the stamp and souvenir sheet issuing day.

« No. 15 (242) 19.06.2006 | Postage stamps of 2006 | No. 20 (247) 04.09.2006 »

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