Fourth definitive issue

Newsletter # 26 (140) September 18, 2003
On September 15, 2003 Belarus Post issued the stamp of the 4-th definitive issue. 
A series continuation. Beginning nos. 273-278, 284-285, 304, 305-306, 308, 318-320, 327, 354-359, 366-368, 373, 388-393, 408-409, 412-413, 446-447, 452-455, 458, 460, 466, 478-479, 506. Designer: Oleg Gaiko. Printing: offset. Colour: two-coloured. Paper: chalk surfaced. Perforation: comb 13: 14. Size: 18x26 mm. Sheet composition: 42 (6x7) stamps in a sheet. Print quantity: 700.000 copies. 
There are elements of protection on the stamp.
no. 516
200 BYR
Vitebsk City Hall XVIIIth century
The subject depicted on the stamp is the same as on the stamp no. 408 with the year of issue changed.

« # 25 (139) 25.08.2003 | Postage stamps of 2003 | # 27 (141) 21.09.2003 »

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