About the EMS Cooperative

In 1998 the UPU Postal Operations Council, standing for the bringing into line and development of postal services world-wide, created the EMS Cooperative.

The EMS Cooperative is an authority of the Postal Operations Council, relying upon compliance with the Statute. It aims to promote cooperation between member postal organizations to allow them to provide their customers with a high quality EMS service on a global basis. Main office is located in Berne.

RUE “Belpochta” is a member of the EMS Cooperative since 1999 (practically, since the moment of foundation).

More than 175 countries have already become members of the Cooperative. It is more than 90% of all postal operators world-wide who provide mutually agreeable EMS service.

The delivery of mails is carries out by national postal operators in the territory of each EMS Cooperative member country. EMS service tariffs are defined by the administration of the origin country.

EMS Cooperative Awards

Based on the measures of the quality certification approved by the General meeting of EMS Cooperative RUE Belpochta was awarded “Silver Level” Certificates following the results of work for 2006 and 2010, “Gold Level” Certificate following the results of work for 2011, and “Bronze Level” Certificate following the results of work for 2013.