Postal marketing

In today's business environment, most companies are faced with the necessity to study the needs of potential and existing customers. Analysis of consumer market is a necessary condition for successful work. RUE «Belpochta» offers advantageous and convenient solution — complex service of «Postal Marketing».

«Postal Marketing» helps to define the interests and level of satisfaction of your customers, recognize potential customers, determine what additional requirements are needed for maximal satisfaction of their desires. Our service will attract new customers and inform people about your products or services. Awareness of customers is the best way to get the information required for your company’s development.

«Postal Marketing» includes the following package of services:

  • printing of forms, applications, questionnaires and other documents on sheet of A4-A5 size;
  • distribution documents to addressees (unaddressed, addressed);
  • conducting of surveys by post office employees;
  • verification of the completed documents and affixing of inspection marks;
  • collection, processing, sending, registration and delivery of completed documents to the customer.

The main advantages of this service are:

  • ensured printing quality;
  • fast mail sending;
  • guaranteed safety and confidentiality of data transfer;
  • attractive price offer
  • large audience coverage;
  • time saving.

Complex service «Postal Marketing» is available for legal entities on a contractual basis.

Customer may order necessary services within the framework of package service, as well as additional services (folding, enveloping, sticking of address stickers, etc).

For additional information please address to Hybrid Mail and Advertisement Distribution Department:

phone number: 228-63-90,


RUE «Belpochta» will help you to make your business more successful!