Rates for the postal services rendered to individuals (exept individual entrepreneurs)

valid as from 30.01.2020
№ Types of items and servicesThe amount of payment, BYN
1 registered1,86
  ordinary weighing up to 20 g0,54
2 registered weighing up to 20 g1,98
3 insured weighing up to 20 g2,50
4 for every additional complete or incomplete 20 g  of weight of ordinary, registered letter and insured letter0,05
5 payment for insured value, % of the amount of insured value3,6%
 3Wrapper, small packet 
  ordinary wrapper weighing up to 20 g0,54
6 ordinary small packet weighing up to 20 g0,70
7 registered wrapper (registered small packet) weighing up to 20 g1,98
8 insured small packet weighing up to 20 g2,50
9 for every additional complete or incomplete 20 g of weight of ordinary, registered wrapper, registered and ordinary small packet and insured small packet0,05
10 payment for insured value, % of the amount of insured value3,6%
11 for fragile insured small packets with mark "Caution" an additional charge to the payment for small packets's forwarding at the rate of 50% is collected. This additional charge does not extend to the payment for insured value of the small packet  
 4Letter correspondence item "1st class" 
12 for an item weighing up to 100 g1,20
13 for every additional complete or incomplete 100 g0,31
  Payment for forwarding of a parcel is charged for an item (regardless of weight) and for the weight of a parcel 
14 payment for an item (regardless of parcel's weight)3,75
15 payment for weight (for 1 kilo)0,63
16 Tarification for weight of a parcel without insured value is carried out with an accuracy of hundreds of grams. Any number of grams is rounded up to hundreds of grams upwards 
17 Tariffication for insured parcel's weight is carried out with  an accuracy of tens of grams. Any number of grams is rounded up to tens of grams upwards 
18 For fragile parcels with mark "Caution" and for bulky parcels an additional charge to the payment for parcel's forwarding at the rate of 50% is collected.  If the parcel is fragile and bulky at the same time, the additional charge is collected only once 
19 payment for insured value, % of the amount of insured value3,0%
20 When returning the parcel to sender's address, the payment for return at the rate of forwarding cost is charged from the sender.
 6Money order 
25 Payment for forwarding of postal money order with payment in the post office, % of the amount of the money order, but not less than 1,00 BYN.3,0%
26 When forwarding of postal money order in the amount over 100,00 BYN, discounts are provided according to section 4 of the current Regulation on the procedure of discounts application. 
27 A written message in the electronic money order is paid for each word when sending by electromic message0,01
 7COD Postal money order 
28 For forwarding of COD postal money order payment is charged by the postal facility which delivers the postal item in compliance with rates for forwarding of postal  money order 
 8Adivice of delivery of registered postal item 
29 ordinary0,66
30 registered1,86
31 electronic0,50
32 Rates for services rendered to individuals (apart from individual entrepreneurs) are set with VAT in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, exept forwarding of parcels services and (or) postal money orders accepted from individuals (p.1.22 art.118 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus)